Why At Home Quality Care?
- We have a comprehensive offering of home health services. For a complete list of service capabilities, see our services page.
- Our clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction scores are exceptional. They can be viewed at www.medicare.gov.
- We promise to provide timely confirmation of receipts of referral and subsequent information.
- Insurance verification checks performed in one hour or less.
- We accept Medicare and a wide variety of other insurance providers.
- We provide coordination and communication with primary care physicians.
- Same day and weekend admissions are accepted.
- All of our patients receive personalized education and support information.
What AHQC needs for the referral process:
- Facesheet and patient demographics
- Physician order for home health
- MD progress notes and clinical background information
- MD Face to Face documentation
What can you expect?
- Confirmation that your referral was received with ongoing updates as appropriate.
- Contact to be made with the patient or their family to explain the process and scheduling of the initial visit.
- Execution of a timely Start of Care to ensure the best possible clinical outcome.
- Ongoing, collaborative dialog with the patient’s primary care physician.
- Patients to be provided with outstanding clinical service and education.
- Consistent communication to be maintained with our patients.
If you have questions about At Home Quality Care or our services, please call one of our locations today.