As you age, the risk of developing wounds increases due to decreased mobility and thinning skin. However, with the proper knowledge and tools, you can do wound care to manage it effectively from the comfort of your own home.
Keeping your wound clean and covered is essential for proper healing.
- You can start by washing it gently with soap and water and then applying a sterile bandage. Remember to change the bandage regularly to avoid any chance of infection.
- Be aware of any redness, swelling, or discharge, as these could lead to an infection. If you notice any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to hire one of our home health aides or private nurses to get the proper treatment you need.
- Elevating the wounded area is just as important as keeping it clean and covered. It will reduce the swelling and allow more blood to flow to the wound.
- Another component of wound care is nutrition. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals can help the body heal more quickly.
- Finally, staying active and maintaining good circulation help your pain management. It can be done through regular exercise and stretching by avoiding sitting or standing for long periods. Of course, check first with your provider.
As a provider of home health care services in Chicago, Illinois, we assist with wound care management and other activities of daily living for our clients.
We also have home health care services in Houston, Texas available to cater to clients in the area.
For more information, please call AT HOME QUALITY CARE for home health care services in Northwest Indiana.